
Our main charities are St. Andrew's House and Global Care. The Benevolent Fund gives donations to other charities.

Commitment for Life
This supports the work done by our overseas partners in co-operation with Christian Aid. Our church qualifies as a Fairtrade Church.

Flower Guild
The flower guild arranges the flowers in the Church. These are distributed on Sundays to the sick and the elderly.

Study Group
The Study Group meets monthly on the 3rd Monday in the afternoon.

Junior Church
On Sunday mornings children and young people join the first part of Family Worship and then go to their own activities.

The choir enhances Sunday morning worship by the singing of introits and anthems. There are regular Tuesday lunchtime concerts.

Reading Group
The reading group meet on the third Thursday of each month and in October a Charity Event is arranged.

Social Activities
Occasional lunches are held after Sunday morning service and occasional teas for the elderly held on Saturday afternoons.

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